2019 Opel COMBO
Auction Pricing

Category: Vans
Machine Name: 2019 Opel COMBO
Machine Location:Ocana, ESP
Serial Number: W0VECYHWCKJ654013
More Info: https://www.rbauction.com/2019-OPEL-COMBO?invId=15226853&id=ci&auction=OCANA-ESP-2024208&utm_source=ceg2&utm_medium=syndication&utm_campaign=rba-syndication
Description: Matriculado en Espana, ITV pendiente a cuenta comprador/ Spanish Registration, Technical Inspection pending**SOLO PARA EL MERCADO NACIONAL Y EUROPEO/ ONLY FOR EUROPE MARKET, THIS LOT CAN NOT BE EXPORTED OUTSIDE OF EUROPE, for more information, please contact our office**SOLO SE PODRA RETIRAR EL VEHICULO UNA VEZ TRAMITADO EL CAMBIO DE NOMBRE**THE VEHICLE MAY ONLY BE REMOVED ONCE THE TITLE IS CANCEL, **The closing times of lots 1120 to 1121 are tied together. If a bid is received, then a time-extension will be applied to all lots. Once the time closes, the highest bidder on each piece will be the winner **
2019 Opel COMBO
Auction Pricing

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Dealer Information:
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
Ocana, ESP
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